how to optimize seo onpage blog

onpage seo optimization for blog is actually very easy if you already know the secret . Unlike the Offpage optimization , even though you already have the knowledge , execution would still be difficult to do. Have you understood what onpage seo ? Optimization SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a term in onpage SEO, which refers to everything that you do on the components of a web page . The main objective of this onpage seo optimization is to improve the onpage SEO factors that search engines get the emphasis right keywords from a page .

The better way of optimization seo onpage blog will have a better chance of appearing on the first page in search engines like google and very important as a strategy for a blog to become popular , and also must be owned by a blogger , especially for us who are just starting to register a blog by writing unique content relevant to use a design template seo friendly , we all need to know about the attributes in order to improve seo blog , there are a variety of motivations for optimization seo onpage of making anchor links that lead or leading to the blog page of our article , insert makes alt image header tags are complete and also many others .

Why this optimization to be done ? So that search engines are not confused when they arrive in the pages of your blog . To make it easier we suppose you understand it this way: there are so many people in a field, you will not be able to distinguish that which is important and which the ordinary people if they wear a uniform , right? Now , therefore, developed a system attribute . Who is wearing a top job attributes , then he is the most important

For you have a website receipts wordpress , wordpress seo optimization onpage that in doing so mundah because the theme wordpress is ready to provide many plugins , such as by installing and storing plugin Yoast for wordpress optimization seo page , if you are using the platform blogspot blogger , to make optimization seo onpage blogspot you need to know about HTML attributes for the blogspot blogger not available plugins that make it easy like the way the wordpress platform , but do not be discouraged attributes should you input and is done by hand with a trick seo onpage blogspot , now what do we do for the best tutorial for onpage seo optimization according to google as follows :

Doing Seo Optimization Onpage of the first

Title Tag Optimization

Title Tag This is the first time immediately read by search robots , this tag serves as the main keyword index blog on search engines like google and bing , Title tags can also be equated called also the title of a blog or website . the existence of title tag is generally under the head . For title tag optimization seo onpage us in danger limit of 70 karater only for the placement of the word 's title tag.

Meta Description

Attributes meta description is equally important as the title tag , meta description because it is a snapshot of all the title description tag itself . on the attributes of this please put the relevant keywords and either the title or the title of your blog, since meta description and title will be able to appear in Google SERP page . please use as possible prior to the posting of the article . Long description shall be composed of 150 characters . if you are still confused as to how to optimize the meta description , please learn again to be

Optimize link url

RL is also called bog link , attributes that this one is the importance of meta description and title tags .because this URL so will act also appear in search engine SERP . in the manufacture url is recommended not too short , it is better to 5 keywords in the viewfinder would be preferable , but adjust to the title tag as an example you create a title " on page seo optimization in order to get on the first page SERP " then url like below :

it is an example of the link url seo and already in the optimization correctly, usually if you write the title of the article is too long , then the url link will be cut off. and if not in the dining optimization url link will be cut off as the following example :

then how to optimize seo url link for more and better in the search engines ? how very simple if you already mengetahuinya.yaitu when you create an article , please click on the link permanent menu and click the link specific permanent.

 how to optimize seo onpage blog
Optimation Url Link

if the url is cut or not in accordance with the title , just add a word like that in the title of the article and in every space in the locker with a sign - instead of a space. and if you already know what I mean , please apply when you create an article , in order to better seo and increase the quality of your article.

Otimasi on the article title

The title of the article is an attribute other template after attribute of the page title in the set , the existence of these attributes are usually marked with the code h2 for blogspot and also h2 used for the title of the sidebar , different again for wordpress usually use h1.

in this case I will discuss another time why the use of H1 used for the title of the article in wordpress , so the conclusion tags are used to value the interest of the data to text so that the robot our blog quickly indexed search engine .So although the content is the same , but for each heading appearance only once , after all this time the application is absolutely no problem .

Bold and italic words

Boldface or italic is also very important in onpage optimization . But do not need all of them , just the appearance of the first course in bold or italics . If too much can interfere with the readers of these pages . Essentially, make words with bold and italic print as needed , not too excessive.

Alt Tag

This optimization is applied to the image of the article. when you create an article , please click on the image and select Properties , then the contents of title text and alt text according to the keywords that you shoot. for example, as shown below.
 how to optimize seo onpage blog
Optimation Title text
if you 've done it all while making the article , it means you have to apply and perform optimization seo onpage. but I wonder why my article did not go on the first page of the search and Palah did not appear in a search ? it means that you are wrong in doing onpage seo optimization when creating articles, then learn how to properly optimize your onpage seo

If there are difficulties on how to optimize this onpage seo , please ask by commenting below this article . Thank you

4 komentar:

  1. tumben pake bahasa inggris gan

  2. Thank you very much, seo is good for all blogger.. :)

    1. yes , thanks also already visited the blog husband


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